This architecturally significant c.1950 Ralph Haver, AIA home combines iconic mid-century modern architecture, renovated interiors and an inimitable indoor/outdoor connection in one of the most desirable Haverhoods---Marlen Grove. While gracefully preserved in all the right places, the renovation served to enhance the home's mid-century modern design, infusing it with new finishes that are both authentic and cohesive. This treasured home transcends time with its clean lines and refined spaces.
Signature exterior Haver design elements include low-sloped roofline, vaulted + beamed ceilings, block construction and clerestory windows. An architectural carport, often referred to as a 'patio-port' in later Haver designs, features post and beam construction and is accessed from a paver lined circular driveway, which can accommodate 6+ cars. The pony landscape wall at the front of the property features modern breeze block accents. A cheery tangerine hued door is adorned with an atomic gold starburst doorknob escutcheon and original fluted side light windows.
An open floorplan offers dreamy natural light, vaulted ceilings + exposed beams, clerestory windows and defined, yet flexible spaces. Exemplifying meticulous attention to detail, both in and out, this home offers a timeless modern aesthetic.
The kitchen is top notch in every way with amazing space to prep and enjoy meals. Savor every moment with family and friends at the breakfast bar island, which offers a retro sputnik chandelier and generous seating for casual dining. Completely renovated in 2017, the kitchen features cinnamon maple Euro-style cabinetry, white solid surface counters with integrated sink, porcelain tile flooring and stainless steel appliances including built-in microwave, gas range/oven, dishwasher and refrigerator. The adjacent formal dining room is perfect for hosting family and friends with doors that open the covered rear patio. Designed to create memorable gatherings, the living, kitchen and dining rooms open to one another and effortlessly harmonize, providing an ideal space for indoor entertaining.
Prioritizing an open, comfortable space, the living room offers modern porcelain flooring ('17), vaulted ceilings and Haver's signature vaulted + beamed ceilings with clerestory windows. Mortar-washed block walls are a preserved treasure found throughout the home; a testament to the meticulous original craftsmanship found in Ralph Haver homes.
The primary suite overlooks the rear yard and has vaulted + beamed ceilings, clerestory windows and porcelain tile floors. The remodeled primary bath showcases a new contemporary tiled shower ('24), pedestal sink and porcelain tile floors. Both secondary bedrooms have vaulted + beamed ceilings, clerestory windows and designer wall sconces. The hall bath is beautifully remodeled with genuine marble tiled shower surround with refinished cast iron tub, modern vanity, contemporary finishes with Delta fixtures.
The rear yard is a homesteader's dream with sprawling flood-irrigated lawn, mature fruit-bearing trees and a flourishing garden. Fresh broccoli, peppers and pumpkin are growing out back, along with vibrant hibiscus, ornamental orange trees and prodcuing mulberry, lemon, lime and peach trees.
A c.1950s detached mid-century modern building has 204 square feet of open space and it makes a wonderful home office. It features vaulted + beamed ceilings, mini split AC, carpet, French doors and 2 windows. What a perfect space for a studio, home office, gym or climate-controlled storage. There is a newer Tuff shed for additional storage needs along with new custom steel RV gate and block fencing.
Recent home system updates: new foam roof '24 (under warranty), HVAC '18, tankless gas water heater '18, whole house filtration '24, Milgard and new Anderson dual pane windows. Additional features include a locking mailbox and access to quantum fiber internet.
Escape the ordinary and discover the ultimate enclave of Haver's mid-century modern homes. Prepare to fall in love with the vibrant Marlen Grove 'Haverhood, with its 5 amazing street iconic mid-century modern homes.
Enjoy the best of walkable Phoenix with local shopping, entertainment, recreation and art nearby. Home is walking distance to Federal Pizza, Bird Call, Neighborly, Joyride Tacos, Better Buzz Coffee, Otro, Culinary Dropout, Doughbird, The Yard, Lucis, Dicks Hideaway, Phoenix City Grill and The Womack. You'll love the proximity to the Biltmore Fashion Park/Resort/Golf, Palo Verde golf course and Piestewa Peak. Just 10 minutes to both downtown Phoenix and old town Scottsdale. Ideally located in the highly rated Madison elementary school district. If you have been searching for a distinguished mid-century modern home, this is it!
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Single Family Residence
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
3 lůžka
2 koupele
Dny na místě
9 Dny
Rok postavený
Název tvůrce
Ralph Haver
Číslo MLS
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Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
Stavební materiály
Painted, Block
Vodní zdroj
City Water
Interiérové prvky
Programmable Thmstat
Central Air
Mini Split
Ceiling Fan(s)
Water Purifier
Exteriérové prvky
SW Gas
Rolled/Hot Mop
Parkovací funkce
RV Gate
Direct Access
Circular Driveway
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