The historic c.1915 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Hoezlen home is located in the vibrant Coronado Historic District. This authentic brick bungalow is a winning combination of new and old. When you take a 110 year old bungalow and retrofit it with the finest materials and craftsmanship, you get a modern bungalow that is built to last. Top to bottom, the home's mechanicals have been overhauled over the last 2 years with new dimensional shingled roof, new supply plumbing, new sewer lines, new electrical wiring, new electrical panel, new drywall, raised ceiling height throughout (~9 feet tall), new synthetic stucco, new interior and exterior paint, new windows, new doors and trim, new water heater, new gas main line and new HVAC. CHECK OUT THIS LOT! It's a sprawling 8,255 square feet lot is zoned multi-family (R-3) with ~ 3,000 square feet cleared, fenced and ready for a 2nd dwelling, ADU, apartment, garage, etc! The curb appeal is a 10/10 day or night with high-end synthetic lawn, contemporary concrete paver walkway, desert-adapted landscaping, night-lighting and a Hollywood Drive. The exterior bungalow styling maintains its historic integrity while making it also feel fresh and new. A restored 234 square foot central front veranda is quintessential to the Bungalow architecture and has been modernized with a tongue + groove wood-lined ceiling and exposed wooden rafters. The open concept floorplan, with its impressive interiors, prioritizes comfort and style, while minimizing wasted space. New commercial-grade Shaw hardwood floors flow throughout the living space and bedrooms. All new windows and doors throughout complement the architecture, while preserving the ornamental window arches on the exterior. The kitchen is efficient and top-of-the line in every way with custom cabinetry, quartz counters with waterfall edges, Krause sink, champagne bronze faucet, pop-up counter electrical outlet, Samsung stainless steel appliance package, curve fluted tile backsplash and the jewelry of the space- fluted glass globe pendant lights. There are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. 2 of the bedrooms have built-in wardrobes + drawers (with soft close hinges and lux quartz ledges), which maximizes space and provide a clean modern look. The primary suite opens to the yard and features a brand new bathroom with a frameless glass enclosed shower with modern white textured tile walls + product niche, porcelain floors and a private toilet room. A shaker-style vanity with quartz top is highlighted by the Star + Cross tiled accent wall and an LED dimmable, anti-fog mirror/medicine cabinet. The 2nd bedroom opens to its own covered and tiled patio with double doors that overlook the rear yard. The hall bath is completely new with gorgeous cabinetry that matches the kitchen, quartz counter + backsplash, warm white, zellige-style tiled tub/shower surround + accent wall, LED dimmable anti-fog mirror/medicine cabinet, concrete-look floor tile and a dual flush toilet. The stacked LG washer and dryer are brand new and conveniently located in the hallway, with in built-storage cabinetry. Additional upgrades include new LED recessed lighting + ceiling fans throughout, Yale smart lock and designer finishes throughout. The rear yard is primo at almost 80' x 50', leaving you plenty of room to customize to your liking. If you have been looking for a lot that can grow with you, this is it. Whether you want to build a guest house for family and friends or create your own, separate income-producing property, the zoning has immense value. All new landscaping has been installed in the rear yard with synthetic lawn and desert-adapted trees along with night lighting. There is plenty of room for a pool. Modern galvanized fencing graces the sides of the yard, with wood fencing providing a visual break from the back, undeveloped portion of the lot. BONUS-there is an unfinished basement with access in the rear yard that would make an epic wine cellar, storage area or underground bunker! A basement in Arizona is a rare sight! Nearby many local staples/destinations along with the best culinary, retail, and entertainment epicenters. It's a quick drive to Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, ASU, spring training, light rail and the 202/10 and 51 freeways. A true modern day fairy tale where a 110 year old home gets a chance to shine again! This jewel box has unbelievable upside potential and is truly move-in ready!
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